The scale. One of the best measures of progress, yet also a huge deterrent in our self esteem and body image. I am NOT one for telling all people to throw away the scale, however, for many of us it can discourage our efforts in achieving our fitness goals (weight loss/weight gain). It is in our nature to narrow our perspective on our goal weight. So often we look for the instant gratification of a 1lb lost or 2 lbs gained. Yet we forget that there are so many other (BETTER) measures to prove our progress. Have your measurements changed? Are your clothes fitting differently? Have you increased muscle density? Have you decreased bodyfat? Have you increased your endurance? Are you able to lift more weight or the same weight for more reps? DO YOU FEEL BETTER?? Have you eliminated unhealthy habits? The list goes on and on. But the bottom line is we need to stop fixating on one small measure. We need to open our eyes and realize that each and every small measure is a testament to your journey. I mean shit, start giving yourself some credit! You are working on it, and you will continue to do so. Celebrate the small achievements now, and your rewards will continue to come

The scale. One of the best measures of progress, yet ...

Today we recognize Coach Nick Muir (@lifebelowparallel) for his continued dedication and efforts @hidden_alley_crossfit. Nick was HAC’s first coach, and has been with us from the very beginning. Nick is a highly educated CrossFit coach. He holds both his crossfit level 2 certification and his crossfit weightlifting cert. You can find Nick coaching Monday/Wednesday evening classes. Next time you see him, make sure you thank you for everything he does for this box and for sacrificing his time to make YOU a better athlete @crossfit @crossfit_weightlifting

Today we recognize Coach Nick Muir (@lifebelowparallel) for his continued ...

Today’s class was ? ? ? Saturday Partner wods are always a good time, but when Coach @anniemarshall tells you to max out after a 25+ minutes METCON, the members starts to roar! Awesome job today everyone!! Let’s keep this intensity going! @redbottomsandbarbells @casie_kent @codykent @mattray86 @yahmon82 @daniellefiscalini @mrsjrodriguez @angielapostma @mrspostma @mckennaberry @heathmarshall @meeeeeeeechelle @heidibondssmith

Today’s class was ? ? ? Saturday Partner wods are ...

to last weeks HAC’s Night Out at the Modesto ? game. If you missed it, here’s the recap: (1) 103F (2) Drinks were flowing (3) @cecepictureperfect threw the first pitch, 2 seam heater, and nailed the mascot (4) @crbogetti answered some trivial question on the big screen correctly (5) @mrspostma and @bowerj7 ran the bases after the game and potential lost our privileges Of being Invited back (sorry @modestonuts) and (6) most of us ended up a O’Brien’s for tequila shots and tamales till 1:30am... needless to say, our makes memories

to last weeks HAC’s Night Out at the Modesto ? ...