RP mass diet day 1.
Day 1 weight: 190
Goal weight: 205
After 90 days of #gains I’ll be back on the cut. I’d like to get myself to 195lbs and <8% body fat.
As some of you may know, I’ve been nursing an injured back (extruded disk L5). It’s been a tough road thus far. I haven’t squatted heavy, cleaned, snatched, or really any lower body work in general just because I get flared up... this doesn’t mean I’m out for good, it merely means I need to shift my focus and train smart. I’ve been doing #functionalbodybuilding with continuous tension sets, slow eccentrics, and focusing on some isolation work along with my rehab exercises. By summer time I’m gonna be hotter than the sand, and BIGGER than the ocean!
Follow my #gains journey on my story for the next 90 days. I’ll be posting my workouts and my progress as I continue to strive to get jacked and tan.
#bodybuilding #getbig #jackedandtan #hiddenalleycrossfit #stance #rpstrength #renaissanceperiodization @rpstrength