TESTING WEEK!!! Maxing out on our lifts for the next program... get some sleep! I’m sure your glycogen stores are just fine from this weekend... #maxout #backsquat #squat #cleanandjerk #pullups #handstandpushup #deadlift #snatch #crossfit #hiddenalleycrossfit #HAC TESTING WEEK!!! Maxing out on our lifts for the next ...November 27, 2017 in Announcements tagged backsquat / cleanandjerk / crossfit / deadlift / hac / handstandpushup / hiddenalleycrossfit / maxout / pullups / snatch / squat by Giovanni (updated 2579 days ago)
That look tho.... I couldn’t count how many times in a day I get this look or the “finger wag.” But hey, it’s worth it as long as everyone is hittin lifts! @mrsjrodriguez #weightlifting #cleanandjerk #snatch #hiddenalleycrossfit #crossfit That look tho…. I couldn’t count how many times in ...October 25, 2017 in Announcements tagged cleanandjerk / crossfit / hiddenalleycrossfit / snatch / weightlifting by Giovanni (updated 2579 days ago)
@jjflores_xix making 225 look easy during yesterday’s brutal 7 minute AMRAP! #HAC #hacfam #hiddenalleycrossfit #crossfit #weightlifting #olympicweightlifting #cleanandjerk #amrap #burpees @jjflores_xix making 225 look easy during yesterday’s brutal 7 minute ...October 4, 2017 in Announcements tagged amrap / burpees / cleanandjerk / crossfit / hac / hacfam / hiddenalleycrossfit / olympicweightlifting / weightlifting by Giovanni (updated 2579 days ago)