Daily Archives: August 18, 2019

@tylerkallasy.dpt ・・・ ?Central Valley Athletes!? - I am a CrossFitting Physical Therapist, who loves to help other CrossFitters, athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike. ?? - ?Are you experiencing pain, stiffness, weakness or instability during your workouts? ?? ?????’? ???? ?? ?? ???? ???. - ??‍♀️Have you been missing lifts, hitting a plateau or not progressing with gymnastic skills? ?????’? ????????? ???? ??? ?? ????! - ??‍♂️??????? ??, ?? ??? ???? ?? ??????? ??? ? ?????? ?? ???? ????????, ??? ????????? ????? ???????????! - ✅Joint/Tissue specific tests and measures. ✅Functional movement assessment ✅Manual techniques, when appropriate (soft tissue, joint mobilization, IASTM, KT tape, etc.) ✅Therapeutically prescribed adjustments/modifications based on the condition/goals ✅Unlimited follow-up via phone/email for minor questions/cueing. - ➡️ Soooo, now is when you message me. Currently treating out of @hidden_alley_crossfit but, ALL are welcome! - Here’s to a future you. A better you

@tylerkallasy.dpt ・・・ ?Central Valley Athletes!? – I am a CrossFitting Physical Therapist, who loves ...