To the “older” population out there @squat_university
The minute you stop lifting weights is the moment you take one step closer to not being able to lift anything at all. Sure things change as we age. Things start to break down a bit. Injuries add up. You may have to work around certain positions at 65 that you could easily move into at 25 but that doesn’t mean you just hang up the workout shoes all together & call it quits.?
As a physical therapist I hear it far too often, “I used to be able to lift, but I can’t anymore.” You shouldn’t stop training for strength & power just because you’re no longer competing in a sport, you just transition to competing in LIFE.??
There have been numerous studies and articles written on how muscle loss and weakness is positively correlated with death and a shorter life span. Lifting weights with good technique and good programming will improve core strength, increase muscle mass/power/strength, increase your resiliency to injuries and improve your life expectancy.??Never forget, exercise is the best medicine.