?6 days until we launch the CrossFit Teens program! ?
We are so excited to open the doors to an age group with such a huge need for strength and conditioning. Youth performance training is where I found my love for strength and conditioning when I started my own program at the KZONE (baseball training facility) in 2011. It LITERALLY started my business and drove my interest to CrossFit because I felt like strength and conditioning was truly the best overall fitness program. I knew there was a huge need, for not just athletes but, for EVERYONE to squat, deadlift, press, Olympic lift, jump, run and utilize body weight gymnastics. Needless to say, if it wasn’t for youth performance training, @hidden_alley_crossfit wouldn’t exist. ?
Now, we get to mend the two, and I couldn’t be more excited to see these teenagers learn what their bodies are capable of doing