If your goal is optimum physical competence, then all general physical components must be met: 1. Cardiovascular/respiratory 2. Stamina 3. Strength 4. Flexibility 5. Power 6. Speed 7. Coordination 8. Agility 9. Balance 10. Accuracy You are only as fit as your weakest link @crossfit

If your goal is optimum physical competence, then all general physical components must be met:
1. Cardiovascular/respiratory
2. Stamina
3. Strength
4. Flexibility
5. Power
6. Speed
7. Coordination
8. Agility
9. Balance
10. Accuracy

You are only as fit as your weakest link @crossfit

If your goal is optimum physical competence, then all general physical components must be met:
1. Cardiovascular/respiratory 
2. Stamina
3. Strength
4. Flexibility 
5. Power
6. Speed 
7. Coordination 
8. Agility 
9. Balance
10. Accuracy

You are only as fit as your weakest link @crossfit

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