The kettlebell swing. There are two variations of a double hand kB swing: (1) the Russian KB swing and (2) the American KB swing. In this video we show the American kettlebell swing performed by Brian. This variation has a greater range of motion than the Russian kB swing. This swing goes all the way overhead, whereas the RKB ends at chest level. Without question, the American swing puts a greater demand on the shoulder joint, where the athlete performing must stabilize the kB properly once overhead. The American swing is commonly used in CrossFit for two reasons: (1) it has a longer range of motion (2) it is easier to judge a rep in competition as opposed to the Russian kB swing. If we were to argue which one is better, the answer really isn’t that simple. The Russian swing can be done for a heavier load, and with a shorter range of motion, which means the posterior chain is under tension more frequently than the American swing. With that in mind the Russian kB swing is much better at building strength and muscle than the American swing. On the contrary, the American swing is an incredible tool for conditioning as it adds a muscular endurance aspect to the movement. Nonetheless, both movements are great and if done properly can be a great tool in your program. As a coach you should always assess the athletes shoulder strength and stability before performing the American swing. If your athlete has shoulder issues, modify the movement to a Russian kB swing and potentially add weight to the movement if possible