“Ok. So your hips shot up on your first pull, try to think about pushing through the ground and keep your chest up. Also, keep your lats engaged so that bar stays close and we get to a proper power position. Then I noticed you’re diving under the bar, try to actively pull yourself under. Got it? Ok go ahead and try again…” – every coach in every CrossFit during cleans or snatch day

“Ok. So your hips shot up on your first pull, try to think about pushing through the ground and keep your chest up. Also, keep your lats engaged so that bar stays close and we get to a proper power position. Then I noticed you’re diving under the bar, try to actively pull yourself under. Got it? Ok go ahead and try again…” – every coach in every CrossFit during cleans or snatch day

“Ok. So your hips shot up on your first pull, try to think about pushing through the ground and keep your chest up. Also, keep your lats engaged so that bar stays close and we get to a proper power position. Then I noticed you’re diving under the bar, try to actively pull yourself under. Got it? Ok go ahead and try again…” – every coach in every CrossFit during cleans or snatch day

Photo taken at: Hidden Alley CrossFit – HAC

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