•exercise library•⠀
Muscle groups: the whole posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes, spinae erectors, Lats, rhomboids, posterior deltoids, traps....) ⠀
Purpose: the deadlift is truly a full body exercise, specifically strengthening/building the posterior chain. This exercise is a compound movement, meaning it utilizes multiple joints and muscle groups to perform the lift. Deadlifts build your glutes and back, help you run faster and jump higher, and can help train for better posture when done correctly.⠀
Should you be deadlifting? ⠀
- assuming you do not have any major injuries, then yes, you should. The deadlift should be a vital and pivotal part of your training. If you haven’t done them before, then don’t be an idiot. Learn from a professional. Seek advice from more than this post itself. I won’t go through the set up and execution merely because words will not do justice